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Riddlers Big Red

This tale starts on the grass field at the southern and eastern most corner.

Work around the edge of the field in a clockwise direction and you will cover each chapter in turn.

Chapter one

The Riddlers Tale

Welcome one and welcome all
To my broad and brightest hall
A hall with neither roof nor floor
A hall without walls nor doors
A hall where all seasons meet
A hall where grass grows beneath your feet
A hall where daily weather unfolds
A hall where the nights are sharp and cold
A hall where the sky tops the ceiling
A hall with edges marked by railings

This is where I come to play
This is where the innocent stray
This is where I set the test
And I am the Wind and I come from the west.
But before we begin and make our introductions
I think it best you follow these instructions

Make a camera with your hands
And turn it up towards the sky
Find an animal in the clouds
It might be worm, walrus, fish or fly
And if the clouds have run away
Then frame tree bark or a crack in a wall
And spot your creatures shape today

Now in a moment of quiet reflection
Consider your creature with deep inspection
And imagine it sitting upon your palm
Quite content and very calm
Purring if pur it can
And happy to either sit or stand

(When all have an animal then we will progress)
Chapter two

The Wind is fickle the Wind is shrill
The Wind blows warm and the Wind blows chill
And on his path around the world
He stings the cheeks of all boys and girls
And he's stolen simple innocent folk
Who's shapes were spotted in his cloak
These kidnapped creatures are now in cages
It's up to you to rescue in stages
He's snatched them from the world around
And sets you riddles to confound

With a click and a flick of his glassy fist
Bolts of ice squewer the earth
Setting six cages strong
And trapping his prisoners inside the turf

Now cross quickly to your first container
Will the riddle be a no brainer?
But if this riddle be too complex
Then these prisoners will be lost to the test
And set to wander over icy plains
Where cockerels spin on weather veins
And the Wild West Wind chases about
And he whips up storms and delivers drought

So thinking caps on and smarts required
For the Wild West Wind wants you fired
And if you cant solve the riddles below
Then perhaps it's the cages that you'll go
And there you'll be trapped for a year and a day
Until that is the next come to play
And run the riddles set in this test
And try and save prisoners from the Wild West
Walk around the edge of the grass field in a clockwise direction.
Chapter three

Michael the mouse

Michael loves cheese, he is very clever and funny. He has one friend his self
But Michael is trapped in a hole. The west wind blew over so much mud that he was stuck!
if you complete this riddle he will escape

What has lots of holes and is yellow and smells like old socks people call me moody ?
Continue around the field.
Chapter four

Stud the Stag

He likes chopping down trees using his antlers. He's really big, aggressive and frightening.Stud is very grumpy. His antlers are as big as an eight year old boy. He is stronger than a hurricane
and he can jump three metres high.
He charged and charged but nothing worked not even jumping. All he could do is solve the riddle. The West wind froze his antlers and stung his leg.

Work out his riddle to set Stud free.

I hop in the meadow
I have big ears
I live in a hole
I run fast and have lots of hair
Don't brush my hair or plait it!
Continue around the field.
Chapter five

Trixey Tortoise

Trixey the tortoise tries her best to get out of this horrible place,listening to sounds hoping to be released. She stares at the Great gates of sand.

When she see's you her eye's fill with joy and hope!

She says," Are you ready to solve this riddle ,as it's too hard for me"

And she says her riddle

I have only two hands
But I can't touch
You need to know your maths to work me out!

Do you know?

Continue around the field.
Chapter six

Dean the Dragon

Dean is trapped inside a circle of raiser sharp icy spikes he seeks you coming over to him and said"come and help me if you can solve this riddle and set me free".

This is my riddle!

Released from stone by artists hands
Cast in bronze to inspirational plans
Some are large some are small
Some are gold from head to toe
But they have to say really still don't you know

That's Deans riddle,if you know the answer then keep it for the end of the walk.

Continue around the field.
Chapter seven

Smoky The Sea Serpent

Smoky is a very self believing, determined character. He likes swimming in the deepest of seas and has three best friends: Danny the dragon, misty the mysterious moose and sharky the savaged. When Smoky gets annoyed he bursts up to the surface of the sea and does a flip then comes back down again.

I was used in the war,
I was used on the sea,
I like planes a lot,
I sometimes saw other planes,

What am I ?
Continue around the field.
Chapter eight

Peter the Priana

Peter the Pirana is trying to escape the ice cube cage by biting his way through.
He wants your help to solve this riddle.

What covers most of the planet that animals and plants live in?
Its used to help meadows grow.
You can sail across it.

Peter doesn't know what the answer is and he doesn't understand the riddle anyway.
Can you help him?
Continue around the field.
Chapter nine

The Finale

The Wind whips East then the Wind whips West
Ready for the riddlers to step up to his test
He steels through the tree tops
And slices through the town
Now the West Wind wants
the answers you have found.

Solve the riddles and your friends will go free.
Chapter ten

Riddle 1 Micheal the mouse

What has lots of holes and is yellow
I smell like old socks
and people call me madly.

I am madley cheese .
Chapter eleven

Riddle 2 Stud the Stag

I hop in the meadow
I have big ears
I live in a hole
I run fast and have lots of hair
Don't brush my hair or plait it!

I am a Hare

Chapter twelve

Riddle 3 Trixey Tortoise

And she says her riddle

I have only two hands
But I can't touch
You need to know your maths to work me out!

I am a clock
Chapter thirteen

Riddle 4 Dean the Dragon

Released from stone by artists hands
Cast in bronze to inspirational plans
Some are large some are small
Some are gold from head to toe
But they have to say really still don't you know

A Scultpture
Chapter fourteen

Riddle 5 Smoky the sea serpent

I was used in the war,
I was used on the sea,
I like planes a lot,
Sometimes I saw other planes.

What am I ?

The answer is

An aircraft carrier.
Chapter fifteen

Riddle 6 Peter the Piraha

What covers most of the planet that animals and plants live in
It's used to help meadows grow and what can you sail across?

The answer is.

Chapter sixteen

The end

For every correct answer you give, the ice of their cage melts and the animal is set free.

How many were you able to free?

But the Wind is Wild
And he comes from the west
And he asks one last thing
For the end of his test
What were the beasts you saw in the sky
Was it Worm or Walrus or Fish or Fly?

Speak your animals out loud.

And then Wild Wind is gone again to search for your folk
And snatch the ones you spotted in his cloak.
And gather them here for the next round of his test
To see if the new riddlers are as good as the last.

So what is your animal and what is their name
And how do they try to escape from the cage
Then you must find a riddle.
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